Ministries of Christ

Deaconship Training

Learn the Biblical truths of deaconship, what it means to be a deacon, and how you become ordained.

Is God leading you to a higher level of commitment? Deacons are vital members of God’s serving team – demonstrating a deep commitment to serve however and wherever the pastor and elders need them, according to God’s will.

This 12-week, hybrid class gives you the foundation for deaconship. During the 12 weeks, you will have weekly online coursework to complete and 6 in-person classes. If you decide to continue, you’ll complete a 12-week rotation of serving in different ways to confirm your commitment to serving nature of deaconship while you study for ordination.

Course Details

Course Features

12 Weeks Total

6 In-Person Sessions

Online Videos & Readings

Personalized Assessments

Course Outline

Click each section to see course lessons.

Unit One
  • The Need for Deacons
  • Original Qualifications of a Deacon
  • Additional Qualifications of a Deacon
Unit Two
  • Reputation
  • Spirit
  • Wisdom
  • Dignity
  • Sincerity
  • Soberness
  • Motives
  • Clarity
Unit Three
  • Next Steps

See Next Class Start